Donnerstag, 18. April 2013

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted!

Hey guys!

Last semester I already blogged about a video I found on the internet, which is about how little acts of kindness can make a huge difference. Those of you you haven't seen it yet, you can watch it here: If you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own!

I just found another one which is also related to that topic:

Of course I know that life doesn't work exactly as shown in the video. But especially after the horrible event which took place in Boston, MA quite recently and because of all the other terrible things you read about in newspapers I do believe that we should think about what is wrong with our world and how we can make it a little bit better. And let's be honest, even if they are just small gestures, if all of us do our part we can make our world a kinder and nicer one.

“Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.” 
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

10 Kommentare:

  1. yeah, I've seen the first video already in your last blog and I totally agree with you :) that one is also very cool :D it's a real pity that life doesn't work like that, but only we can change that ourselves! It's time :)

    1. Exactly! But even if it doesn't work exactly as shown in the video I really like the idea behind it.. and as you said, we are the ones who can change something!! :)

  2. Oh I think that life is like that, we just have to open our eyes. The other day, back in Austria, I helped two people, the one looking for the subway in Vienna (and I then discovered he was French, just like me) and a woman in Graz asking me to read her a phone number to call someone, because she had forgotter her glasses.

    And just to be more modest, I am not perfect indeed : when I was in Budapest in February, a middle-aged man came to me and my boyfriend and simply asked us if we needed some help to go somewhere. It was really nice.

    Everyone has just to act!

    1. I really like your stories, thanks for sharing - there should be more people acting the way you or the man who helped you in Budapest did!!

      Exactly!! Especially because even small gestures help - you don't have to donate 1.000.000€ (I mean if anybody has enough money, go ahead :P), but you can already change something by offering a seat to people who need it more than you do, help people across the street, show them the way... everyday offers so many possibilities to help each other, people just have to open their eyes and actually do something!!

  3. I couldn't have thought of a better way to express that thought!! I absolutely agree with you :) I think especially those small gestures can have a really big impact. Sometimes, just one friendly person can make your day. And what I especially liked about your video was the idea that people help each other just out of kindness, for no selfish reason at all. Our society often gives us the impression that you have to be selfish in order to be successful. But in my opinion, even though the world unfortunately doesn't exactly work like in your video, by acting selfless you definitely get - as you put it - "a little love of your own" :)

    1. You put it in a nutshell - I've nothing else to add! :)

  4. I wish I could sympathize with your points of view more often and give positive thinking more room. But every once in a while I catch myself red-handed in terms of receiving at least an emotional benefit out of benevolent actions. So I wouldn't consider it completely selfless (A lot of abstract thinking involved in here, though)

    1. I'm not sure if I understood exactly what you meant, so just to be on the safe said: You are saying that when doing something good it's most of the time not completely selfless, because you receive a good feeling when doing it, right?

      If that's the case I agree with you - but to be honest I don't think that's bad - it's more like a win-win situation. You help others and at the same time feel better - therefore everyone's life just got a little bit easier/nicer.

    2. That's the message I wanted to convey :) You're right, however. It's nice to help other people out!

    3. Totally agree with you!

      Oh, and of course I meant safe SIDE, not said :P
