Hey guys,
I have no idea how this happened, but yesterday was my “one-month-in-America-day”. I apologize for not posting earlier; I know I promised I would – but the last few weeks were just crazy.
I arrived in America 32 days ago and since then a lot has happened. I visited Oklahoma City for two days, moved to Stillwater, explored OSU, went to Dallas and Six Flags, celebrated my 22nd birthday, went out to the bars (I love being over 21!) and house parties, classes started – but most important: I met so many great people.
Everybody is so nice (thank you Southern Hospitality!) and helpful here and I can’t believe that a month has already passed – I still haven’t fully realized that this beautiful campus is going to be my home for the next year:
I will try to post more frequently from now on, so make sure to check back ;)
xx Smoky

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