Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013

How a password saved a boys life - prevent child abduction!

Hey y'all,

I hope those of you who watched my presentation yesterday liked it. I'm sorry if I was talking too fast - I tend to do that when I'm really excited about a topic ;)
I'm going to write a longer post about the ten presentations I saw after my Russian Exam tomorrow.

Anyway, I saw a post on FB today which is definitely worth knowing about - feel free to spread the word, the more people know about it, the better!

As many of you might know, child abduction is a really big problem not only in the USA but also in Europe. Here's a little story which has probably saved a boy's life:

In the USA a stranger walked up to an eight-year-old boy and told him that something happened to his mom and that she sent him to pick up her son. The little boy just asked: “What’s the password?” When the stranger looked confused and tried to figure out what he meant the boy took his chance and ran away as fast as he could. He and his mom had agreed on a password which she would give the person who picks up her son in case something happened to her.

It’s so simple – but this might have saved the boy's life!

Most of us don’t have own children yet. But we have sisters, brothers, cousins, acquaintances – by spreading this message we can make the world a little bit safer for our little ones!

4 Kommentare:

  1. wow! impressive how simple things can be useful!

    1. That's what I thought as well - it's crazy how often we only think about complicated solutions when there are actually simple things which can prevent horrible happenings as well!

  2. wow that's really a great idea! I'll make sure to spread the word. I wouldn't have thought of this and it is a simple but also very effective way to protect children. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you - the more people know about it, the better!
      Me neither. That's why I just had to blog about it.
