Approval, cooperation and tolerance - that's what my sister Kathi and her friend Chrissi try to achieve with their "Maturaprojekt". As both of them are in their last year at HLW Schrödinger and close to graduation, they had to organize an event as their last project. Kathi and Chrissi decided to organize an exhibition, to show that different music genres and especially their representatives can actually cooperate, get along with each other and especially have a lot of fun together.
Hip Hop, classical music or folk music - those and many other music genres will be represented at the exhibition the two friends pulled together.
The pictures show representatives of all different genres mixed up with a completely different genre or in a rather unusual pose. Kathi and Chrissi found a really talented photographer who just happens to be my dad ;)
He's actually really good, you can find some of his work on his FB Page:
Of course the pictures of this exhibition are not online, but I've already had a short glimpse at them and I can assure you the exhibition is definitely worth a visit.
You can see the result of this experiment at the "Stern Bar" (Sporgasse 38). For those of you who have no clue where that is: Just get off the tram at "Hauptplatz" and take a right:
This Thursday (January 31st) the exhibition's opening will start at 6.30 p.m. There will be a deejay and I'll be there for sure and I would love to see as many of you guys there as possible - since most of the exams will be over by then we could also clink our glasses and celebrate that we survived the last weeks ;)
If, for whatever reason you can't make it this Thursday, the pictures will stay at the bar for a month, so whenever you have time just stop by and take a look while drinking a delicious cocktail or a cold beer ;-)
You can also join the facebook group for more information, or if you have any questions feel free to ask me (:
Looking forward to seeing you there,