Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2012

Heinz Marecek - "Das kleine Fest des Lachens"

Hey guys!

First of all: Yayyyy, Christmas holidays! Have fun & enjoy it - I definitely will ;)

Second: No plans for tonight? I’d like to present to you: “Heinz Marecek: Das kleine Fest des Lachens”.

For those of you who have no idea who Heinz Marecek is: He was born in 1945 in Vienna and is an Austrian actor, director and cabaret artist. He started to perfom in 1966 at the "Vienna Ateliertheater". Afterwards he performed at the "Vienna Volksoper" and between 1971 and 1998 at the "Theater in der Josefstadt" (which is the oldest theater of Vienna), where he also directed some of the plays. These days you can see him in a couple of TV shows/movies. I’m pretty sure all of you have heard of the Austrian TV show “Soko Kitzbühel” – he is the one who plays “Hannes Kofler”. Apart from “Soko Kitzbühel” you can see him in “Lindenstraße” (playing Bruno Skabowski), “Der Bockerer” and other TV shows/movies.

But why am I telling you about him? Well, he is coming to Werndorf (if you want to know where/what that is à take a look at my post “Music is what feelings sound like”) tonight at 7.30pm, to read Christmas stories from his book “Das kleine Fest des Lachens”. Doors will be opened at 7pm and tickets are 25€.

Give it a try, I promise it’s definitely worth the money!

Looking forward to seeing you there :)

Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012


You can find this or a similar headline in pretty much every online newspapers that exists right now, and I’m pretty sure it’s going to be tomorrow’s newspaper headline in Austria as well.

When my mom called me in the kitchen earlier today, she told me that she just heard on the radio that a man killed 20 children and 6 teachers in an Elementary School in Connecticut.I simply couldn’t – no – didn’t want to believe her. How can anybody be so cruel? How sick and f* up are people nowadays? First the shooting in Oregon a few days ago, where 3 people (including the shooter) died and now this?

How can anybody walk into a school and murder 26!! innocent people - 20 young CHILDREN and 6 adults, including his own MOTHER? For heaven’s sake, those children were between 5 and 10, they had their whole life in front of them and now everything was taken away from them because one sick, stupid asshole lost his mind? And the worst thing of all? This is definitely not going to be the last shooting where innocent people are getting killed.

And you know what’s insane? Most Americans still believe that everybody should have the right to own a gun! I’m not saying that this tragedy has happened because the 20 year old killer was allowed to have a gun. I do realize he might have got one without having the permission to own a gun as well. But it definitely makes it a lot easier to actually hurt people when you have a gun in your house, doesn't it?

And it’s not only about people getting nuts and killing a lot of people in a mall, a school or another public place. It also happens at home, in their families. How many people get killed in the heat of the moment, because one of the family members loses his/her mind and grabs the gun, which is in their house because “they might have to defend their family in case of an emergency”.

Dear gun supporters, have you ever thought that you might not even have to defend your family, if people around you don’t own guns? I know, owning a gun means freedom and security for some Americans, and I do realize that the American constitution says that people have the right to own a gun – but the constitution was written in 1789 and the right to own a gun was added in the 2ndamendment (which was in 1791). Of course people needed a gun back then, they intruded into Indian land, it only makes sense that the Native Americans weren’t too happy about the white people taking away their land. But now, more than 200 years later I don’t see the point in this part of the constitution anymore.

I’m really sorry for the children and adults who died today, as well as for the families and friends of the victims. May they rest in peace, and please America, start rethinking your so called “right to keep and bear arms” – how many more people have to die before you realize that owning a gun is not the solution to the problem?

P.S.: I'm sorry for my violent choice of words in this post, I usually don't swear at all, but in this case the words "fool" or "idiot" were just not strong enough to describe the hatred and hostility I feel towards the man who killed all those innocent people.

Montag, 3. Dezember 2012

Music is what feelings sound like!

May I introduce to you – the best local orchestra ever (okay, I admit it, I may be a little bit prejudiced, since I play in it, BUT we are pretty good ;))

As some of you may know, I play the flute in the orchestra of Werndorf. If you have no clue where/what Werndorf is: It's a small village about 20 km south of Graz.

Although we are such a small village, we offer a pretty good culture program - with artists like Peter Simonischek, Stermann & Grissemann, Gernot Kulis, Josef Hader and soon also Heinz Marecek (I will post about this event soon) we have already had quite famous and absolutely amazing people and great events in our village.

Another huge part of our culture program is the "Jugendkapelle Werndorf" - our local orchestra. Here’s the link to our homepage:

As every year, our Christmas concert is set for the 8th of December, which is the upcoming Saturday – so if you don’t have any plans yet we’d be more than happy to welcome you. The concert starts at 2.30pm and with songs like „Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer“, „White Christmas“, „Driving home for Christmas“, „Ave Verum Corpus“, „O holy night“ and much more the program offers something for young, old and in between. But it is not only a concert, we are also going to present our Christmas CD - which is the perfect Christmas present for your parents, friends, grandparents and all the other people who love Christmas songs (and let's be honest, who doesn't? ;))